In this video I am sharing my story how I became eco-concious and how I decided to start this blog as well as youtube channel about sustainability, low waste (aka zero waste), eco-minimalism and other things related. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for more videos
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my channel. Every day I try to be more conscious about what I consume. Being more aware of the choices I make and the impact it has on the environment. I continually learn something new as I develop new habits in my day to day life. Hoping that my effort not only helps to change the current health of our planet but to educate and influence others to make better decisions and reduce your carbon footprint.
Like many of you, I never really thought about how my life impacts the planet. I was too busy climbing the corporate ladder trying to achieve wealth. Constantly buying things that provided short, temporary satisfaction. Only to find myself wanting more trying to fill a void that will never be filled. It all changed when I went on a last-minute vacation decision to Bali, Indonesia. That trip made me realize that I needed to reevaluate what I want out of life. What I wanted to be was a simpler, slower, and more meaningful life. I needed and wanted to change my life. I decided to quit my corporate job and go back into the basics of life.
In my last couple of years I lived in Bali I began to observe not just the rapid growth in tourism, but the amount of garbage that came with it. I was seeing more and more litter throughout the beaches which only seemed to increase yearly. Unfortunately, being a third world country, it has limited resources and lacks infrastructure which makes it difficult to do anything.
Instead of complaining about the issues, I decided to do something that only I can control. That is me. Again I find myself having to change my lifestyle, not anything drastic, but be more aware of what I am doing in my day to day living that impacts the planet. Whether in a good way or bad. I started doing little things. My goal was not to completely stop everything I was doing but to be more educated about what decisions I make. For example, I began composting my organic waste. Refusing plastic bags and plastic bottles. Avoiding plastic packaging where it’s possible. Paying extra for my garbage to be recycled. Doing beach clean-ups with friends.
Bali, Indonesia is just one of the thousands of islands in the country. Tourism is its main source of income. Its rapid growth in tourism in the last couple of years, along with lack of infrastructure The Ocean was polluted with plastic. Tourism grew more and more and the island of Bali where I was staying was more and more flooded with western products. Years before people would just go to the farmer’s markets with a basket, but not anymore. Now you could go to the supermarket where every single thing is wrapped in plastic. When you buy takeaway food you get it in a plastic container and disposable cutlery – instead of being wrapped in traditional banana leaf – and not cutlery needed Indonesians used to eat with their hands. All that disposable plastic would just end up on the beach, on rice fields, or in the rain forests. You couldn’t go anywhere and not see piles of garbage everywhere.
After I moved to California, I realized that the problem is similar no matter where you live. So I started this channel hoping I can share my eco-conscious principles with other people.